Friday, 23 October 2015

Costume Ideas

I've looked on Tavonga's Instagram with his permission to seek out what kind of fashion that he is into, this will help my group and I decide on a specific outfit that he can wear during the filming process, I want to use an outfit that suits his style but also follows conventions and popular fashion trends so that he is seen as a typical artist. I have researched what Chris brown and Ne-yo wear on their music videos to see if I could match their styles to Tavonga's style. After looking upon his Instagram, I noticed his style followed certain fashion trends of teenagers and he is often seen wearing the fashionable tracksuit bottoms and often known for his nice shoe sense.

In two of Chris Browns music videos, he is seen wearing a white shirt with a chequered shirt wrapped around his waist, wearing Timberland shoes. This has become one of Chris Brown's statement looks and we aim to do the same with Tavonga's characters.

In Neyo's music videos his outfits are often more gentleman like and seen as classy as he is usually wearing a suit and his statement hats. Where as in some as shown in the second picture he's seen wearing the typical R&B clothing and revealing his wealth and higher class.

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