Saturday, 13 February 2016
Evaluation Question 3
The session was very helpful as we asked a range of questions which aided our initial ideas of how we were going create a music video for the genre of R&B. I firstly created a power point of visual aids which included pictures of R&B artists and extracts of music videos from these artists. This formed the base of our questions and helped narrow down our talk which would give focused and detailed answers.
Firstly, we informed the group about the background of R&B with some information about general conventions and how it had changed over time. We asked what the audience already knew about R&B and who their favourite artists were in general to see if anyone's favourite artist was in fact, an R&B artist. By asking these sorts of questions we were able to question why they liked certain artists and what about them made the stand out from other artists.
There were some older R&B videos mixed with some newer ones and so we could show this comparison to our audience. When asked which type of R&B was better, the audience response was generally that an older type video was preferred as they gave more of a sense of reality. They didn't like the newer videos as they focused more of wealth and success which came across arrogant as well as the desirable, sexual representation of women which was not approved by many. With this information, I found that it helped us understand exactly what path we were taking for our song choice and gave us ideas of would do in our planning and production stage.
A question that was put forward questioned whether narrative videos were more popular or performance based videos. We showed them extracts of Drake's 'Started from the bottom' which is very much followed with narrative and compared it with Usher's 'Yeah' which is predominantly a performance by Usher himself.
we found that some of our audience enjoyed the story telling element of the music video as it was something to follow however, the more popular choice was the performance based video of Usher as it focuses more on the song itself rather than a story which allows the artist to dance to his own music and let the music do the work. We decided from this choice that we would include both within our music video so that it appealed to a wide variety of our audience and found during the post production stage that both suited the look better and worked to a more professional level. We found that the way the performance was played on the chorus areas added to the continuity of the music video.
Another piece of audience feedback was from our second focus group that was done after post production, this time we asked a different group of people that were the right age and asked them to critique the positives and negatives as well as give us opinions on what we could do to make it better.
From the negative side of things, the audience realised that the rose wasn't actually seen as a motif and they found it rather random at the end of the music video, i found this a piece of research that i understood and i felt that we could have included the rose more in the music video and i feel that if i could re-do my final piece i could have included the rose in more important parts of the music video.
Another negative note that they pointed out is that they felt they didn't understand the story line completely and wanted another male character to portray the cheating or for the timing on the texts to be displayed longer to allow the audience understand the cheating story line.
On a positive note from the focus group, the audience said that they found the lip syncing to be effective and they all found this to be a technique that they understood was difficult but was pulled off well.Another part that they found worked well was the story as a whole, they found that we were able to portray the positives and negatives of the relation well and found the settings and body language ideas to connotate to what we wanted to achieve.
Monday, 8 February 2016
Digi Pack Pictures

These pictures were taken in the woods near my house and I took them around 12 pm to ensure that the sunlight was used as an advantage for my pictures, I wanted to use the light to represent the religious side of Tavonga yet keep the theme still young and effective. The image of Tavonga in the run down building is a building i had found in Broadheath that I found represented Tavonga's 'hood' side, i wanted to include this in my representation as I found that many of my target audience were attractive and liked this idea od someone to look up to as a brave and strong idol.
Edit Of Font
From my last choices of font I decided to change the font to 'Algerian' as I found that it gave more character to the digipack and magazine advert, I found this font to fit the title the most and I found that if I chose a font that was different to any others done before tavonga would be able to be recognised more.
Saturday, 6 February 2016
Friday, 5 February 2016
Thursday, 4 February 2016
Editing- Magazine Advert

With my editing, i used an app called 'UNION' to create overlapping images and a unique style that was different to any other digipack or styled magazine advert I had seen, this ensured that Tavonga, as an artist, stood out from other artists in the R&B scene, which is what we wanted to achieve as a group in the first place.With me using this app, I was opened to multiple different opportunities and ways in which i could represent him.
Within the app, you had three different sections that enabled you to produce your image. Firstly you had the background section which allowed you to place your chosen picture and edit the lighting,contrast.saturation,temperature,or able you to flip or invert the image, this image would form as a base or main image for your final piece. Next was the foreground,with this you could edit the blend mode, which allowed you to layer your image a certain way,opacity and the same effects as you could with the background. As well as this, you could mask your image by erasing or shape your image to give a final certain look. All of this enabled me to produce an image for my final piece that would include multiple different elements instead of having to choose between certain things.
Wednesday, 3 February 2016
These are multiple different fonts that I wanted to choose from for my magazine advert that would also be shown on my digipack to show the continuity. These fonts came from Publisher and I wanted to chose a font that was simple yet stood out from the other text as well as the dark background.
After consideration, I finally chose the first font as I found it to be simple yet stood out as being quite recognisable with its own presence as well as this, with the title of the song being "socio rehab, which i kept from the street art, I wanted the font to be different and simple so that the main attraction font was of the title its self.
After consideration, I finally chose the first font as I found it to be simple yet stood out as being quite recognisable with its own presence as well as this, with the title of the song being "socio rehab, which i kept from the street art, I wanted the font to be different and simple so that the main attraction font was of the title its self.
Here I took a picture of some manchester street art that I found to be quite retro and placed a personal image on Tavonga as it represents where he has come from and his origins. I liked the idea that the picture had a boy and girl on the front as it represented the couple/relationship topics that is represented within the song of so sick, this meant that I was able to represent this without making it too obvious. I feel that this piee of art gives a quirky and individual style to Tavonga's look within it looking unusual.
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