Thursday, 4 February 2016

Editing- Magazine Advert


With my editing, i used an app called 'UNION' to create overlapping images and a unique style that was different to any other digipack or styled magazine advert I had seen, this ensured that Tavonga, as an artist, stood out from other artists in the R&B scene, which is what we wanted to achieve as a group in the first place.With me using this app, I was opened to multiple different opportunities and ways in which i could represent him.
Within the app, you had three different sections that enabled you to produce your image. Firstly you had the background section which allowed you to place your chosen picture and edit the lighting,contrast.saturation,temperature,or able you to flip or invert the image, this image would form as a base or main image for your final piece. Next was the foreground,with this you could edit the blend mode, which allowed you to layer your image a certain way,opacity and the same effects as you could with the background. As well as this, you could mask your image by erasing or shape your image to give a final certain look. All of this enabled me to produce an image for my final piece that would include multiple different elements instead of having to choose between certain things.

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